Road to Recovery

It's been about six weeks since I posted so I thought it was time for an update. As you can see from the infographic above I am pleased to be able to report that my recovery from my ankle injury is going well. The larger "red" block represents my training load and the "grey" blocks... Continue Reading →

Just a bad day at the office or time for a re-think?

I felt my training was going ok, the transition to the new running style was feeling more natural and I was enjoying feeling lighter on my feet as I ran, so encouraged by my improved time at the Trotters 5 miler I decided to enter the Wigan 5k. I ran this race last year and... Continue Reading →

Half Marathon Training Update

So I've now completed the first phase (3 weeks) of my half marathon training and I'm pleased to report after day one's inauspicious start (you can read about it here) I've managed to keep pretty much to my plan since. If you've read my previous posts you'll know that I'm using this plan as a test... Continue Reading →

Where does your foot land?

Do you remember taking your first steps? Me neither, I also don't recall any PE teacher at school explaining to me how to run, I just, well, ran in plain old plimsoles. so it was with some interest that when I read a book called Older Yet Faster (OYF) written by Keith Bateman and Heidi... Continue Reading →

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